This game is fun, and enjoyable but there are a LOT of issues. I have been playing tradegamelabs airline simulation games from the start, and theres really been no improvement from the last game. The graphics are better, and theres a lot of other great features that make this game enjoyable, BUT YOU CAN STILL BUY YOUR WAY TO THE TOP. Lots of airlines just buy their way to the top of the list and its not fair to all of the other airlines under them who would like to be the best. I cant afford to buy all of these credits! This feature of "credit buying" has to be removed immediately, ASAP. Also, you should really create airports to have more slots available because all of the main airports slots get taken immediately during the first quarters of the game! Make the airports larger. And, make it so you cant make a route out of a city thats not your hub. Thanks, tradegamelab! I hope you consider fixing these flaws! I will continue to play the game, only if these are fixed.
Aidan, in nj about
AirTycoon Online 2